Eastern Sun Rises Wiki


Crystals are new items that are used to cube Kanji Runes. They are found in Ores which serve as a container for them. Crystals are extracted by cubing the ore with itself. An empty ore is used to create a corruption orb:

Ore + Dragon Stone -> Orb of Corruption

The amount of crystals contained in an ore are randomly determined, similar to variable mods on a unique item. An ore may contain only one crystal, or even no crystal at all. All monsters have a very slim chance to drop an ore. This chance is doubled in Nightmare and tripled in Hell. These ores may contain 0-12 chipped crystals (0-2 crystal of each kind), but 3-5 crystals on average.

Listed below are some particular bosses that have an extra chance to drop a higher quality or a 'boss' ore.

There is no difference in appearance between normal ores and boss ores, but the latter tend to contain more crystals.

  • Boss ores have a high chance to contain a kind of crystal related to that boss (1-3).
  • Boss ores have a mid chance to contain 3 kinds of crystals loosely related to that boss (0-2).
  • Boss ores have a low chance to contain other 9 kinds of crystals (0-1 or 0-2, depending on the type).

In theory a boss ore can contain 20 crystals at best, but 5 to 9 on average.

Chipped Normal Mainly Dropped by Area
Frozen Soul
B oval s
B oval l
Nihlathak Nihlathak's Domain
Fatalstorm Nihlathak's Domain
Factory Director Moonshine Distillery
Factory Director Fake Note Factory
Dark Planter Poppy Farm
Shadow Quartz
Violet sb
Violet l
Baal Wordstone Chamber
Baal's Bodydouble Wordstone Chamber
Lister the Tormentor Throne of Destruction
Lister the Revenger Nihlathak's Domain
Bleeding Stone
Red s
Red l
Diablo Chaos Sanctuary
Diablo Throne of Destruction
Diablo Clone Random Area
King Leoric Chaos Sanctuary
Black Jade Chaos Sanctuary
Lachdanan Chaos Sanctuary
Burning Sulphur
Topa s
Topa l
Mephisto Durance of Hate Level 3
Mephisto Throne of Destruction
Knuckle Baller Bill Roper Memorial Ballpark
Named Councils Durance of Hate Level 3
Dark Azurite
Blue s
Blue l
Duriel Duriel's Lair
Duriel Throne of Destruction
Duriel Marsh of Pain
Bitter Peridot
Andariel Catacomb Level 4
Andariel Throne of Destruction
Andariel Andariel's Dressing Room
Pulsing Opal
Opa s
Opa l
Reporb Bill Roper Memorial Ballpark
Hephasto the Armoror River of Flame
Dark Clone Harpie's Nest Level 2
Enigmatic Cinnabar
Maga s
Maga l
Magmajuggler Nihlathak's Domain
Summoner Arcane Sanctuary
Dark Magician Dark Magicians Chamber Level 2
Tomb Jade
G tear s
G tear l
Reziarfg GFraizer Dome
Radament Act 2 Sewer Level 2
Sorrow Summoner Harpie's Nest Level 1 & 2
Chaos Summoner Dark Magician's Chamber Level 1
Solid Mercury
White s
White l
Metalspark Nihlathak's Domain
Griswold Tristram
Dark Clerk Fake Note Factory
Dark Clerk Poppy Farm
Storm Amber
Orange s
Orange l
Treant King Naraku Level 1
Treehead Woodfist Dark Wood
Dark Crasher Blood Raven's Workshop Level 1
Tainted Tourmaline
Tour s
Tour l
Nikartana Nihlathak's Domain
Battlemaid Sarina Bookstore Sarina Level 2
Sarina's Maiden Bookstore Sarina Level 2
Blood Raven The Graveyard
Blood Raven Blood Raven's Workshop Level 2
  • Crystal Can + 1-6 Chipped Crystals -> Adds 1-6 Crystal Points
  • Crystal Can + 1-6 Crystals -> Adds 100-600 Crystal Points
  • Crystal Can + Can Opener (Chipped) -> Extracts a Chipped Crystal (needs 1 point)
  • Crystal Can + Can Opener (Flawed) -> Extracts a Flawed Crystal (needs 10 points)
  • Crystal Can + Can Opener (Normal) -> Extracts a Crystal (needs 100 points)

Kanji Runes[]

  • 2 Wo Runes -> Null Rune
  • Null Runes cannot be downgraded
  • Can be stored in Rune Stocker (H).
  • Null Rune + 1-4 Crystals -> Kanji Rune
  • Crystal Can + Kanji Rune -> Crystal Can + Null Rune (Crystals are stored in Crystal Can)
  • Kanji Runes can't be upgraded or downgraded.
Rune Name Image Bonus Recipe
+1 To All Skill Levels

+6% to magic skill damage

Null Rune + Frozen Soul
+1 To All Skill Levels

+8% To Fire Skill Damage

Null Rune + Bleeding Stone
+1 To All Skill Levels

+8% to Cold Skill Damage

Null Rune + Dark Azurite
+1 To All Skill Levels

+16% to Summon Melee Damage

Null Rune + Tomb Jade
+1 To All Skill Levels

+50% Extra Gold from Monsters

Null Rune + Solid Mercury
+1 To All Skill Levels

+8% to Poison Skill Damage

Null Rune + Bitter Peridot
+1 To All Skill Levels

4 Life Replenished per Second

Null Rune + Enigmatic Cinnabar
+1 To All Skill Levels

+8% to Lightning Skill Damage

Null Rune + Burning Surphur
+1 To All Skill Levels

+6% to Wind Skill Damage

Null Rune + Tainted Tourmarine
+1 To All Skill Levels

+50% Enhanced Damage

Null Rune + Storm Amber
+1 To All Skill Levels

10% Life Stolen per Hit

Null Rune + Pulsing Opal
+1 To All Skill Levels

10% Mana Stolen per Hit

Null Rune + Shadow Quartz
+1 To All Skill Levels

Reparis 1 Durability every 3 Frames

Null Rune + Bleeding Stone

+ Dark Azurite + Bitter Peridot + Tainted Tourmarine

+1 To All Skill Levels

+2% To Experience Gained

Null Rune + Frozen Soul

+ Enigmatic Cinnabar + Pulsing Opal + Shadow Quartz

Kanji Runewords (revamped in 5.2D2)[]

Below is a list of the new stats of all new Kanji runewords, they were reworked in 5.2D and now offer special oskills that unlock new builds or special stats that can't be found anywhere else.

Runeword Runes Base Stats
Master of Fire Fire Ma Su Helms

+3 to Branching Blaze
+6-12 to Branching Blaze (Sorceress Only)
15-25% Faster Caste Rate
+10-15 Fire Absorb
+1 to All Skills
+ Runes Bonus

Master of Water Water Ma Su Helms

Level 5 Protection from Cold Aura When Equipped
+X% to Cold Skill Damage (based on Cold Resistance)
15-25% Faster Caste Rate
+10-20 Cold Absorb
+1 To All Skills
+ Runes Bonus

Master of Thunder Thunder Ma Su Helms

+1-3 To Lightning Mastery
+X-X Lightning Damage per Kill
+X-X Lightning Damage (based on Lightning Resistance)
+10-20 Lightning Absorb
+1 To All Skills
+ Runes Bonus

Moonlight Moon Ko U Bows


+3 To Sharp Array
+6-12 To Sharp Array (Amazon Only)
+230-260% Enhanced Damage
(+3/lvl) +3-300% Enhanced Max Damage
+1000 Magic Damage
+ Runes Bonus

Tourbillion Tsu Mu Shi Wind Staves

Necromacer Scythes

5% CtC Level 30 Tornado On Striking
+5-15 To Earthquake
30-40% Increased Attack Speed
+400-500% Enhanced Damage
Damage Reduced by 10-20%
+ Runes Bonus

Angel Heaven Shi Helms

Level 1 Redemption Aura When Equipped
+3 to Sacred Storm
+6-12 to Sacred Storm (Paladin Only)
+20-40% To Magic Skill Damage
+1 To All Skills
+ Runes Bonus

Gold Scarab Ko Metal Mu Shi Body Armors

Level 10 Protection From Lightning Aura When Equipped
+10-20 To Holy Shock
+1000-2000 Defense
+X% Lightning Skill Damage based on Extra Gold From Monsters
+20-200% Extra Gold From Monsters
+ Runes Bonus

Sunlight Sun Ko U Shields

15% CtC Level 40 Immolation On Striking
+15-20 To Holy Fire
+X% to Fire Skill Damage (based on Dexterity)
+X-X Fire Damage per Kill
-10-20% Enemy Fire Resistance
+ Runes Bonus

Creature Life Ki Mo No Helms

+10-20 to Fire Hawk
+10-20 to Raven
+75-125% to Raven and Fire Hawk Damage
+11-21% to to Raven and Fire Hawk Crushing Blow
+1 To All Skills
+ Runes Bonus

Note: You can cast Fire Hawk and Raven at the same time

Work of God God No Mi Wa Sa 2-handed weapons

Level 16 Conviction Aura When Equipped
20% CtC Level 40 Holy Bolt On Attack
+380-480% Enhanced Damage
+400% Damage To Demons
+400% Damage To Undead
+ Runes Bonus

Work of God God No Mi Wa Sa 1-handed weapons

Level 10 Conviction Aura When Equipped
20% CtC Level 40 Holy Bolt On Attack
+380-480% Enhanced Damage
+400% Damage To Demons
+400% Damage To Undead
+ Runes Bonus

Shinigami Death God 2-handed melee


25% CtC Lvl 10 Static Field On Striking
+3 To All Skills
+20-30% Increased Attack Speed
(+4/lvl) +4-400 To Max Damage
(+2.5/lvl) +2-250% Enhanced Max Damage
+ Runes Bonus

Shinigami Death God 1-handed melee


25% CtC Lvl 5 Static Field On Striking
+1 To All Skills
+20-30% Increased Attack Speed
(+2.5/lvl) +2-250 To Max Damage
(+2.5/lvl) +2-250% Enhanced Max Damage
+ Runes Bonus
