Eastern Sun Rises Wiki

IAS Breakpoints[]

Single Wielding Attack[]

Normal Attack (Single)[]

  • All weapons have the similar attack animation speed in ES. Some weapons are still a bit faster and some classes are good at some weapons, but the difference is now little.
  • Most attack skills use the normal attack animation and have the same attack speed. (The skills which works with a single weapon, Zeal and Berserk for example, always use a single weapon even when you are dual wielded.)
Ama Asn Bar Dru Nec Pal Sor
1H Swing 14 14 15 15 15 14 15
1H Thrust

(Javelins, Daggers)

14 14 15 15 15 15 15
2H Swing

(2H Swords)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15
2H Swing

(Axes, Mauls, Poles, Staves)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15
2H Thrust


15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Bow 13 14 14 14 14 14 14
Crossbow 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
Bare Hand 13 13 13/14 14 14 13 14
Claw - 13/14 - - - - -
Throw 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


  • The attack speeds of these skills aren't changed in ES.
  • You can see the breakpoints at ES Attack Speed Calculator.

Fend / Killer Scythe[]

  • Fend attacks much faster in ES than in LoD.
  • Killer Scythe is the Necromancer version of Fend, and for 2H weapons only. KS is faster than LoD Fend but slower than ES Fend. This is because other class than Amazons and Sorceresses can attack much faster with Fend mechanism.
  • You can see the new breakpoints at ES Attack Speed Calculator.

Zeal / Fanatic Swing[]

  • Fanatic Swing is the Sorceress version of Zeal. FS is internally faster than Zeal, but the actual speed is roughly equal to Zeal, because of Sorceress' slow attack speed.
  • You can see the new breakpoints at ES Attack Speed Calculator.

Fists of Fire / Claws of Thunder / Blades of Ice[]

  • The attack speeds of these skills aren't changed in ES.
  • You can see the breakpoints at ES Attack Speed Calculator.

Dual Wielding Attacks[]

Normal Attack (Dual)[]

  • The attack speed isn't changed in ES.
  • You can see the breakpoints at ES Attack Speed Calculator.

Double Swing / Double Throw / Frenzy[]

  • The attack speeds of these skills aren't changed in ES.
  • You can see the breakpoints at ES Attack Speed Calculator.
  • When you put the current slvl of Frenzy, the calculator shows the fully accelerated attack speed. When you put 1 in the slvl of Frenzy, it shows the speed of the first swing of Frenzy.
  • When you calculate another skill with the current slvl of Frenzy, it shows the speed accelerated by Frenzy.

Dragon Claw / Fists of Fire / Claws of Thunder / Blades of Ice[]

  • The attack speeds of these skills aren't changed in ES.
  • FoF, CoT and BoI has the same speed as DC, when used with Dual Claw.
  • You can see the breakpoints at ES Attack Speed Calculator.

Dual Wielding Basic[]

Primary Weapon and Secondary Weapon

  • In 1.09, the weapon in the character's right hand slot (the left side of the screen) becomes the primary weapon, and the weapon in left hand slot becomes the secondary weapon. So they are also called "right hand weapon" and "left hand weapon".
  • In 1.10 and later, the first weapon you put on the character becomes the Primary Weapon, and the second weapon you put becomes the Secondary Weapon. But once you use the weapon swap function, the weapon in the character's right hand slot becomes the primary weapon, and the weapon in left hand slot becomes the secondary weapon, just like in 1.09.
  • This means if you put the first weapon on the left hand slot, the primary weapon and the secondary weapon may be reversed later. It also causes a bug, which we discuss in the next article. This bug can be both beneficial and harmful. Unless you are exploiting the bug, you should fix your primary weapon. For example, many skills ignores the IAS on the secondary weapon, or WW speed is determined by the secondary weapon. To avoid the mess:
  • For Dual Wielding attacks except normal attack:
    • The entire sequence is affected by the average of each weapon's WSM.
    • The IAS on the Secondary Weapon is ignored. If you need some IAS for some breakpoint, you can't count the IAS on the secondary weapon:
  • For Dual Wielding normal attack:
    • Each swing is affected by each weapon's WSM.
    • The IAS on each weapon only affect that weapon. The IAS on armor works for both weapon.

Make sure to put the PRIMARY weapon FIRST, on the RIGHT HAND slot.

Dual Wielding Bug[]

If you put the first weapon to the left hand slot (right side of the screen), and then put the second weapon to the right hand slot, the aveage WSM should be:

(Left Hand Weapon's WSM + Right Hand Weapon's WSM) / 2

But it actually becomes:

(Left Hand Weapon's WSM x 3 - Right Hand Weapon's WSM) / 2

This means if the Left Hand Weapon is fast and the Right Hand Weapon is slow, the average WSM gets much faster than it should be, and if the formar is slow and the latter is fast, the average WSM gets much slower.

When you use the weapon swap, the weapon in right hand slot becomes the primary weapon, and this "bugged status" is automatically fixed.

If the Right Hand weapon has some -requirement or str/dex bonus, without which you can't equip it, it can't the primary weapon when you use the weapon swap, and the "bugged status" remains. But this exploit wouldn't be so effective in ES, where getting IAS is much easier.

Whirlwind / Dance of Death[]

  • The numbers (4, 6, 8...) in the heading is NAttackFrame (Next Attack Frame), which indicates how many frames Whirlwind waits between each attach. 4 is the fastest.
  • The numbers in the table is the required WIAS for each NAttackFrame. Amazon with a 1H swing weapon needs 43 WIAS for NAttackFrame 4 (the fastest Whirlwind), for example.
  • WIAS is the IAS on the weapon and is calculated as below. Please note WSM is the negative value of IAS (smaller is faster).

WIAS = IAS bonus on the weapon - WSM (weapon's base speed)
  • Example: If you have 40% IAS on a flail (WSM [-10]), WIAS is 40 - (-10) = 50.
  • Any off-weapon IAS (IAS on gloves, for example) doesn't affect the speed of Whirlwind. The IAS penalty of Eagle Eye doesn't make Whirlwind slower, as well as Fanaticism, Annihilation and Burst of Speed don't make it faster.
Weapon 4 6 8 10 12
Amazon 1H Swing 43 15 -4 -14 -20
1H Thrust 45 16 -3 -13 -20
2H Sword 49 19 -1 -11 -20
2H Thrust 50 20 0 -10 -20
2H Else 49 19 -1 -11 -20
Knuckle 20 -4 -20
Assassin 1H Swing 25 0 -16 -20
1H Thrust 25 0 -16 -20
2H Sword 34 7 -11 -20
2H Thrust 40 12 -7 -16 -20
2H Else 34 7 -11 -20
Knuckle 13 -9 -20
Claw 13 -9 -20
Barbarian 1H Swing 34 7 -11 -20
1H Thrust 34 7 -11 -20
2H Sword 34 7 -11 -20
2H Thrust 34 7 -11 -20
2H Else 34 7 -11 -20
Knuckle 13 -10 -20
Druid 1H Swing 34 7 -11 -20
1H Thrust 34 7 -11 -20
2H Sword 34 7 -11 -20
2H Thrust 50 20 0 -10 -20
2H Else 34 7 -11 -20
Knuckle 19 -5 -20
Necromancer 1H Swing 34 7 -11 -20
1H Thrust 34 7 -11 -20
2H Sword 50 20 0 -10 -20
2H Thrust 43 14 -5 -14 -20
2H Else 34 7 -11 -20
Knuckle 18 -5 -20
Paladin 1H Swing 25 0 -16 -20
1H Thrust 34 7 -11 -20
2H Sword 34 7 -11 -20
2H Thrust 46 17 -3 -12 -20
2H Else 34 7 -11 -20
Knuckle 14 -9 -20
Sorceress 1H Swing 49 19 -1 -11 -20
1H Thrust 50 20 0 -10 -20
2H Sword 46 17 -3 -12 -20
2H Thrust 47 17 -2 -12 -20
2H Else 50 20 0 -10 -20
Knuckle 34 7 -11 -20

Whirlwind Mechanism (Basic)[]

  • Whirlwind Attack Speed (external link)
  • Whirlwind attacks every 4 frames if possible.
  • Whirlwind attacks at the 4th and 8th frame regardless of NAttackFrame.
  • After the 2nd attack, NAttackFrame is added to the current frame (8) to determine the next attack frame.
    • If NAttackFrame is 4, the next attack frame is 8 + 4 = 12.
    • If NattackFrame is 6, the next attack frame is 8 + 6 = 14. But Whirlwind attack every 4 frames, so the 3rd attack actually occurs at the nearest multiple of 4, the 16th frame. The next next attack frame is 14 + 6 = 20, not 16 + 6 = 22. 20 is a multiple of 4, so the 4th attack occurs at the 20th frame.
  • Conclusion: Whirlwind with NAttackFrame 4 is roughly equal to Attacking at 4 FPA. If the NAttackFrame isn't a multiple of 4, the interval may not be even, but NAttackFrame X is roughly equal to X FPA in average.

Whirlwind Mechanism (Dual Wielding WW)[]

  • The attack speed of Dual Wielding WW is determined by the secondary (left hand) weapon.
  • The actual Dual Wielding WW sequence occurs as follows:
    • 1st attack (4th frame)
      • The primary weapon is set to the current weapon.
      • Attacks with the current Weapon, if a target is in the current weapon's range.
      • If the attack occurs, the secondary weapon becomes the current weapon.
      • The attack occurs only once in this frame.
    • 2nd attack (8th frame) and later
      • Attacks with the current Weapon, if a target is in the current weapon's range.
      • If the attack occurs, the other weapon becomes the current weapon.
      • Attacks with the current Weapon, if another target is in the current weapon's range.
      • If the attack occurs, the other weapon becomes the current weapon.
  • Conclusion: Dual Wielding WW can attacks 2 targets per 4 frames at best, while single Wielding WW can attack only 1 target per 4 frames at best. Dual Wielding WW is twice as fast as Single Wielding WW, as long as there are multiple targets in the weapon range. WW can't trigger CtC Skills, but more attack chances let you land more Crushing Blows and other extra damages. On the other hand, Single Wielding WW can benefit from the good damage and range of 2H weapons, or the block ability of the shield. So both WW have their own merit.

FCR Breakpoints[]

  • The cast speed of Amazon, Assassin and Druid is improved in ES. Now they have the same cast speed as Necromancer and Paladin.
The old base frames in LoD and ES 3.00 R1~R2
Ama Asn Bar Dru Nec Pal Sor
Spell Cast 19 16 13 18 15 15 13
The new base frames in ES 3.00 R3
Ama Asn Bar Dru Nec Pal Sor
Spell Cast 15 15 13 15 15 15 13
  • The numbers (19, 18, 17...) in the heading is the frame to cast a spell. 1 frame is 1/25 second.
  • The numbers in the table is the required FCR (Faster Cast Rate) for each frame. It takes 15 frames for an Amazon to cast a spell with no FCR, for example.
Class 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
Amazon 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
Assassin 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
Barbarian 0 9 20 37 63 105 200
Druid 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
Necromancer 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
Paladin 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
Sorceress 0 9 20 37 63 105 200
Sorceress(Lightning, Chain Lightning)In ES, the standard cast speed

is used for Lightning and CL.

0 7 15 23 35 52 78 117 194
Elemental Form 0 7 14 22 32 48 68 99 152
Were Wolf 0 7 15 23 35 52 78 117 194
Iron Wolf 0 7 15 23 35 52 78 117 194

FHR Breakpoints[]

  • These values are quoted from Tommi Gustafsson's website.
  • The Druid/Paladin recovery bug (Druid recovering slowly with a 1H swing weapon and Paladin recovering slowly with a 2H wepaon) is fixed in ES.
  • The numbers (17, 16, 15...) in the heading is the frame for a hit recovery. 1 frame is 1/25 second.
  • The numbers in the table is the required FHR (Faster Hit Recovery) for each frame. It takes 11 frames for an Amazon to recover from a get-hit animation with no FHR, for example.
  • The recovery animation occurs when a chacater lose 1/12 or more of his/her maximum life by a single hit.
Class 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Amazon 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
Assassin 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
Barbarian 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
Druid 0 5 10 16 26 39 56 86 152 377
Necromancer 0 5 10 16 26 39 56 86 152 377
Paladin 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
Sorceress 0 5 9 14 20 30 42 60 86 142 280
Elemental Form 0 5 10 16 26 39 56 86 152 377
Were Wolf 0 9 20 42 86 280
Rogue Scout 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
Desert Mercenary 0 5 9 14 20 30 42 60 86 142 280
Iron Wolf 0 5 8 13 18 24 32 46 63 86 133 232 600
Act 5 Barbarian 0 7 15 27 48 86 200

FBR Breakpoints[]

  • These values are quoted from Tommi Gustafsson's website.
  • The Amazon block bug (Amazon blocking slowly with a 1H swing weapon) is fixed in ES.
  • The numbers (12, 11, 10...) in the heading is the frame to block. 1 frame is 1/25 second.
  • The numbers in the table is the required FBR (Faster Block Rate) for each frame. It takes 5 frames for an Amazon to block with no FBR, for example.
  • Hirelings can't block even if they have a shield.
Class 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Amazon 0 13 32 86 600
Assassin 0 13 32 86 600
Barbarian 0 9 20 42 86 280
Druid 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
Necromancer 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
Paladin 0 13 32 86 600

(with Holy Shield)

0 86
Sorceress 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
Elemental Form 0 5 10 16 27 40 65 109 223
Were Wolf 0 7 15 27 48 86 200

IAS Breakpoints for Minions[]

  • The numbers (24, 23, 22...) in the heading is the frame to attack. 1 frame is 1/25 second.
  • The numbers in the table is the required EIAS for each frame. It takes 15 frames for a Skeleton to attack with no EIAS, for example.
  • The only effects available for minions are the Skill IAS from Fanaticism and Annihilation. The Skill IAS counts as EIAS.
    • Example: Your Skellymancer has Level 1 Annihilation from an item and Level 5 Fanaticism from the merc.
      • Level 1 Annihilation grants +6% Skill IAS.
      • Level 5 Fanaticism grants +25% Skill IAS.
      • The total IAS bonus to your party is +31% Skill IAS = +31% EIAS.
      • Your skeletons attack at 12 FPA. The next breakpoint is 11 FPA at +33% EIAS.
      • Level 7 Fanaticism grants +27% Skill IAS.
      • You need to give the merc +2 To All Skills to make skeletons reach the next breakpoint.
Minion 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
Skeleton 0 7 15 24 33 46 60
Vampire 0 8 16 25 37 50 67
Clay Golem 0 4 11 18 27 36 48 61
Blood Golem 0 7 15 24 33 46 61
Metal Golem 0 7 15 24 33 46 61
Fire Golem 0 9 19 30 45 63
Raven 0 3 7 12 17 23 30 37 45 54 64
Wolf A1 0 7 15 24 33 46 61
Wolf A2 0 4 10 15 22 29 37 46 56 68
Water Elemental A1 0 9 19 30 45 63
Water Elemental A2 0 4 10 17 26 35 47 60
Anointed Bear A1 0 9 19 30 45 63
Anointed Bear A2 0 4 10 17 26 35 47 60
Valkyrie 0 7 15 24 33 46 60
Shadow (Claw Right) A1 0 5 13 24 36 51 70
Shadow (Claw Right) A2 0 6 14 24 35 48 65
Shadow (Claw Left) 0 6 14 24 35 48 65
Shadow (2H Sword) 0 7 15 24 33 46 60
  • Wolves, Water Elementals, Bears and Shadows use two kinds of attack (A1, A2).

Area Levels[]

  • These numbers are from the levels text file in the ES data folder
  • In NM and Hell, each non-boss monster's mlvl (monster level) is equal to the area level. a Champion's mlvl is 2 levels higher, and Unique Boss' mlvl is 3 levels higher than non-boss monsters.
  • In Normal, each non-boss monster's mlvl varies.
  • Some uber area levels were changed in 5.3, the changes are marked in bold text below.
Act 1 Area Levels Normal Nightmare Hell
Blood Moor 2 38 70
Den of Evil 2 38 82
Cold Plains 3 38 71
Cave Level 1 3 38 80
Cave Level 2 3 39 81
Burial Grounds 4 38 83
Crypt 4 39 86
Mausoleum 4 39 88
Stoney Field 5 39 71
Tristram 7 41 79
Underground Passage Level 1 5 39 72
Underground Passage Level 2 5 40 86
Dark Wood 6 40 71
Black Marsh 7 40 72
Hole Level 1 6 40 83
Hole Level 2 6 41 84
Forgotten Tower Level 1 8 40 78
Forgotten Tower Level 2 8 41 79
Forgotten Tower Level 3 8 42 80
Forgotten Tower Level 4 8 43 81
Forgotten Tower Level 5 8 44 82
Tamoe Highland 9 41 72
Blood Raven's Workshop 1 44 68 86
Blood Raven's Workshop 2 44 68 86
Monastery Gate 9 42 73
Outer Cloister 10 42 73
Barracks 10 42 73
Jail Level 1 11 43 74
Jail Level 2 11 43 74
Jail Level 3 11 43 74
Inner Cloister 11 43 75
Cathedral 12 44 75
Catacombs Level 1 12 44 75
Catacombs Level 2 12 44 76
Catacombs Level 3 13 45 76
Catacombs Level 4 13 45 76
Moo Moo Farm 44 68 89
Act 2 Area Levels Normal Nightmare Hell
Sewer Level 1 14 45 77
Sewer Level 2 15 46 78
Rocky Waste 15 45 78
Dark Magician's Chamber Level 1 44 68 88
Dark Magician's Chamber Level 2 44 68 88
Dry Hills 16 46 79
Halls of the Dead Level 1 13 46 82
Halls of the Dead Level 2 14 47 85
Far Oasis 17 47 79
Maggot Tunnels 18 47 87
Lost Farm 44 68 89
Andariel's Dressing Room 44 68 90
Valley of Snakes 19 48 80
Claw Viper Temple Level 1 15 49 85
Underground Maze 14 49 81
Maggot Passage 18 47 87
Maggot Lair 18 48 88
Temple Passage Level 1 14 45 77
Temple Passage Level 2 14 47 84
Unholy Alter 15 49 86
Palace Cellar 1 14 49 81
Palace Cellar 2 14 49 81
Palace Cellar 3 14 50 81
Arcane Sanctuary 15 50 82
Canyon of the Magi 17 50 82
Tal Rasha's Tomb 18 51 83
Tal Rasha's Chamber 18 51 83
Act 3 Area Levels Normal Nightmare Hell
Spider Forest 22 51 82
Spider Cavern 22 52 82
Flayer Tunnel 23 53 84
Marsh of Pain 44 68 90
Flayer Jungle 23 52 83
Sewers Level 1 24 54 87
Sewers Level 2 25 55 88
Ruined Fane 25 56 88
Lower Kurast 23 54 83
Kurast Bazaar 23 54 84
Swampy Pit 23 53 86
Disused Fane 24 55 87
Bookstore Sarina Level 1 44 68 87
Bookstore Sarina Level 2 44 68 87
Upper Kurast 24 54 84
Flayer Dungeon 1 23 53 85
Flayer Dungeon 2 23 53 86
Forgotten Reliquary 24 55 87
Forgotten Temple 25 56 88
Kurast Causeway 25 55 84
Disused Reliquary 25 56 88
Harpie's Nest Level 1 44 68 87
Harpie's Nest Level 2 44 68 87
Travincal 25 56 85
Durance of Hate 1 26 57 86
Durance of Hate 2 26 57 86
Durance of Hate 3 26 57 86
Act 4 Area Levels Normal Nightmare Hell
Outer Steppes 27 58 85
Plains of Despair 27 58 86
City of the Damned 28 59 87
River of Flame 28 59 88
Chaos Sanctuary 29 60 88
Act 5 Area Levels Normal Nightmare Hell
Bloody Foothills 25 60 83
Frigid Highland 26 61 84
Moonshine Distillery 40 68 87
Arreat Plateau 27 62 84
Fake Note Factory 40 68 88
Frozen River 30 63 86
Dimensional Gate 33 65 86
Frozen Tundra 28 62 84
Poppy Farm 40 68 88
The Ancients' Way 30 64 85
Arreat Summit 38 70 90
Worldstone Keep Level 1 41 67 88
Worldstone Keep Level 2 40 67 88
Throne of Destruction 44 68 88
Worldstone Chamber 44 68 88
Naraku Level 1 44 68 90
GFraizer Dome 44 68 92
Naraku Level 2 44 68 90
Naraku Level 3 44 68 90
Bill Roper Memorial Ball Park 44 68 92
The Dead End 44 68 92
Nowhere 44 68 93
Nihlathak's Domain 44 68 94

Base Points in Skills by Character Level[]

In Eastern Sun Rises, the cap of the available skill levels to invest in was changed to prevent people from maxing their skills too early, this was done to somewhat soften the extreme power surge that characters get once their main skill is unlocked. This allows players to dump one point every level at the beginning, but then restricts it to '''one point per five levels'''. The resulting base levels are show below.

There are three ways of increasing your maximum base level:

  • Corrupting amulets has a low chance of increasing the maximum base level by 1
  • There is a Hidden Treasure (Unique Grand Charm) with +1 to max base level
  • The Diablo Clone drops his Soulstone (Small Charm) with +1 to max base level

This increases the level, capping the maximum investment at 34, 28, and 24, respectively.

CLVL lvl 1 spell lvl 6 spell lvl 12 spell lvl 18 spell lvl 24 spell lvl 30 spell
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6 1
7 7 2
8 8 3
9 9 4
10 10 5
11 11 6
12 12 7 1
13 13 8 2
14 14 9 3
15 14 10 4
16 11 5
17 12 6
18 13 7 1
19 14 8 2
20 15 15 9 3
21 4
22 5
23 6
24 7 1
25 16 16 10 8 2
26 9 3
27 10 4
28 5
29 6
30 17 17 11 11 7 1
31 2
32 3
33 4
34 5
35 18 18 12 12 8 6
36 7
37 8
40 19 19 13 13 9 9
45 20 20 14 14 10 10
50 21 21 15 15 11 11
55 22 22 16 16 12 12
60 23 23 17 17 13 13
65 24 24 18 18 14 14
70 25 25 19 19 15 15
75 26 26 20 20 16 16
80 27 27 21 21 17 17
85 28 28 22 22 18 18
90 29 29 23 23 19 19
95 30 30 24 24 20 20
100 31 31 25 25 21 21
105 32 32 26 26 22 22
